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Leonardo Meeus is a professor at the European University Institute. He is the Director of the Florence School of Regulation and the Loyola de Palacio Chair in the Robert Schuman Centre. He is also part-time professor at the KU Leuven in the engineering department.
Leonardo contributed as author, reviewer and editor to academic journals in energy economics, regulatory economics, engineering, law, operations research and management. He published the open access book “The Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe”.
He engages with decision makers to create impact, and blogs about his experience.
Academic experience
European University Institute, Florence (RSCAS: Robert Schuman Centre; FSR: Florence School of Regulation)
Current role (since October 2022): Full-time professor, holder of the Loyola de Palacio Chair, and Director of the Florence School of Regulation (FSR)
Previous roles: Deputy Director FSR (2020 - 2022); Part-time Professor (2013 - 2022); Research Fellow (2010-2013); Researcher & Coordinator (2008-2009)
KU Leuven, Leuven (ESAT: Electrical engineering department; ELECTA: Division Electrical Energy & Computer Architectures)
Current role (since October 2022): Professor on energy markets, regulation and policy (10%)
Previous roles: Visiting Professor (2009-2017); Postdoc & Scientific coordinator KU Leuven Energy Institute and European Energy Institute (2006-2008); PhD Researcher (2002-2006)
Vlerick Business School, Brussels, Gent, Leuven
October 2022 - September 2023: Visiting professor with limited teaching assignment
Roles until September 2022: Academic Director of the Online MBA (2021-2022); Full Professor of Strategy (2019-2022); Elected as Partner and promoted to Senior Partner (2016-2022); Director of the Energy Center (2014-2022); Associate Professor (2012-2019)
Advisory roles
Public authorities
Member of the academic panel of Ofgem, the UK energy regulator (since 2017)
Member of the panel for selection of board members for the VREG, the energy regulator in Flanders, Belgium (2021)
Advisor to the Flemish energy ministry for the regulatory sandbox that has been granted to Thor Park Genk (2020-2022)
Member of the expert panel of the energy administration of the Belgian government on the future of the gas sector in Belgium (2020-2021)
Companies and industry associations
Co-moderator of the Elia user group think tank meeting (since 2023)
Member of the E.DSO stakeholder and innovation council, the European association of Distribution System Operators (2019-2022)
Member of the expert panel for the Transnet BW Electricity Grid 2050 study, the German Transmission System Operator (2020-2022)
Guest in the Exchange Council of EPEX SPOT, the European Power Exchange (2018-2020)
Member of the expert panel of the Internet of Energy initiative by Elia, the Belgian Transmission System Operator (2019)
Advisory board of European research projects
Ongoing: H2020 SCCALE 20-30-50 (2021-2024), H2020 IElectrix (2019-2022)
Completed: FP7 DREAM (2013-2016), FP7 evolvDSO (2013-2016)
Entrepreneurship experience
IMERA, Dublin
2008-2009: Senior Vice President European and Regulatory Affairs for this HVDC merchant interconnector project developer
2015: INSEAD – The Case Centre, case writing and case teaching
2002 - 2006: KU Leuven PhD in engineering
2000 - 2001: University of Edinburgh, Erasmus exchange
1997 - 2002: KU Leuven, Master’s in business engineering
© 2021-2024 Leonardo Meeus