Electricity markets
Short lecture
Book introduction
We work at the intersection between energy economics and engineering. By applying mathematical models to relevant issues, we gain insights that allow us to engage with policy and regulation.
Current PhD collaborators: Emma Menegatti (2027), Nathan Giovannini (2028), and Binli Xiao (2029).
Former PhD collaborators: Tim Schittekatte (2019), Niels Govaerts (2021), Athir Nouicer (2022), Martin Roach (2023), and Ellen Beckstedde (2023).
Open access book
Can be downloaded via the publisher site or EUI cadmus repository.
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Cite as: Meeus, L., 2020. The Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe. Edward Elgar.
You can download my publications via Google Scholar, or via repositories, such as ResearchGate and EUI cadmus. If you cannot access the final publication, you can look at the working paper version.
© 2021-2025 Leonardo Meeus